Preparing for C-CATS

Everything you need to know before sending your child to C-CATS.

Need to submit forms or pay your balance?

Contact & Directions


C-CATS is held at Camp Hannon - 391 Moorefield Memorial Highway, Sunset, SC 29685


The C-CATS middle school program is held at Camp Hannon and includes a campus tour of Clemson University. Facilities include yurt style housing rooms with bunk beds and air conditioning, full-service dining facility, and adventure courses. Our site is inspected by local and state health officials and fire safety personnel.

How to Contact the Program Director

(864) 453-0006
In case of emergency, please call the program director. We ask that you please do not ask your child to call home, and please do not call your child unless it is an emergency. The program staff will call you if there is a problem.

Arrival and Departure

Arrival: 5:00 PM on Friday, at Camp Hannon (map). Please do not arrive before your scheduled arrival time on the first day as staff will be preparing for your stay.

Departure: 11:00 AM on Sunday at Camp Hannon (map). Please call if you will be late for pick-up on the last day.

Money & Food


Students may bring money for souvenirs from downtown Clemson. No additional funds will be needed during the C-CATS weekend session. CULI is not responsible for lost or stolen money. ($35 is the recommended amount.)


Menus for the week are designed to provide a balanced and nutritious diet. Camp is equipped with a modern kitchen, which is operated by an experienced and well-trained staff. Please note on the Participant Health Form if your child has any food allergies or other food related issues. Please do not send food with your child or to your child in a care package.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Routine health care is provided by camp staff and follows treatment procedures that have been reviewed by a physician. First aid and CPR certified staff are present on site and available 24 hours a day during camp operations. Designated staff are responsible for dispensing medications.

For more serious health issues, we will utilize professional medical providers and EMS when needed. Professional medical care is available within 25 minutes of the program facility.

If necessary, local mental health services will be consulted for any concerns regarding the mental or emotional well-being of a camper.

Before we begin operating programs, local EMS, Sheriff Departments, and Fire Departments are notified and provided a copy of our week's itinerary.


Participants must be able to function independently and as part of a group. They must be able to comprehend and follow basic instructions and safety measures set out by camp staff. They must have an understanding of natural hazards (for example, roads, lakes, and heights), and be able to change clothes and use restroom facilities without assistance. The Code of Conduct, which outlines prohibited behaviors, must be signed by parents and participants.

Participants who do not follow the behavior standards will be asked to withdraw from the program without a refund.


All medications, including any vitamins or over-the-counter medicines must be given to the health officer upon arrival at camp. The health officer will be responsible for properly administering the medicine daily, as directed by a physician or parent. All medications are kept under lock and key. (Exceptions may be made for inhalers or Epipens.) Campers will not be given prescription or over-the-counter medication without parent's permission.

Pack all medicine in a Ziplock bag with camper's name on the bag. Please include in the bag all medication, and a notecard. On the notecard, please have campers name, medicine name, dosage, time of day that medicine is given, and any special instructions.


If your child has allergies, please indicate them on the Camp Health Form and let the counselor know. We regularly accommodate children with food and other allergies.


All campers are screened upon arrival at camp for good health prior to admission. We ask that no camper come to camp ill or with any contagious condition. We reserve the right to send your camper home if they become ill, develop any contagious condition (such as pink eye or head lice) or if they are unable to participate in the major activities of camp. If your camper cannot remain at camp due to health reasons, you will not receive a refund of camp fees.

If your camper suffers an injury or illness that requires professional medical care, is unable to participate in camp activities, or needs medication that you did not provide, we will notify you as quickly as possible.


Parents can help their child adjust by letting them know that they expect them to have fun. They can also encourage them to meet new friends and learn new things. It is best not to promise a child that they can come home if they are homesick. We also discourage children from making or receiving calls from home, especially if homesick. We have found that calls from home make the adjustment more difficult. Our staff works hard to help children adjust by making sure they are involved in team building and fun activities. If an emergency situation arises at home, we ask that you contact the program director.


Participants receive a high amount of small group interaction and personal attention from staff and instructors. The counselors have been chosen for their dedication and their ability to work with young people.

  • All program staff are employed by Clemson University and have undergone an extensive background check.
  • The ratio of participants to staff is 8 to 1.
  • Staff undergoes extensive program training.
  • Counselors supervise participants 24 hours per day.
  • Staff are assigned activity groups during the day and dorm groups during the evening and nighttime.
  • Nighttime dorm groups may consist of up to two rooms per counselor.


Each program has limited medical insurance on every participant for accidents and illnesses that occur during the program. Pre-existing illness and eyeglass/contact replacement are not covered. CULI is not responsible for eyeglasses or contacts that are lost or broken during the program.


Program Activities

Not all activities are available to all participants, as some activities have age and/or size restrictions. These activities are subject to change, depending on weather, staff availability or acts of third parties beyond our control.

Assigning of Groups

The group and their counselor will do activities together all weekend. Dorm groups are assigned according to sex and age. If you have someone you want to room with, please make this request on the Participant Information Form at registration, but they must be within a year of age difference to room together. Roommates are not guaranteed.

Packing List

Packing List

  • Sheets/blanket or sleeping bag (twin bed)
  • Pillow
  • Towels/washcloths
  • Deodorant
  • Toiletry items (stored in toiletry bag or Ziplock bag)
  • Sunscreen
  • Water bottle (please label)
  • Bug spray/lotion
  • Tennis shoes
  • 2-3 sets of clothes
  • Rain jacket
  • Long Pants
  • Mask/face covering (optional)
  • Hand sanitizer (optional)
  • Cash for Clemson souvenirs

Items to Leave Behind

For the safety of participants and staff, we have a no-tolerance policy for these items.

  • Alcohol/illegal drugs
  • Cell phones
  • Tobacco products
  • Weapons or knives
  • Food, candy, gum & other snacks
  • Fireworks
  • iPod's, tablets, radios, handheld games or other media
  • Pets/Animals (Except trained service animals pre-approved by program director.)
  • Vehicles (Participants with a vaild Driver's License cannot drive themselves.)

Registration / Forms

Payment due

Payment in full is due four weeks prior to the start of the program or your spot will be subject to forfeiture.


The $100 deposit is non-refundable.

Transfer Policy

We understand that things change, and you may need to transfer your student from one weekend to another, so we make every effort to accommodate those requests. There is a $50 transfer fee for each session transferred.

Refund Policy

We offer full refunds minus your $100 non-refundable deposit until four weeks before the program begins. This policy exists because we must purchase supplies, shirts, food and materials for your student in the weeks leading up to the program.